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You can make a difference!

Each and every one of us have different gifts God has given us that we can use to serve. For me, it has been knitting. You might be great at sports or you might be an amazing singer, and God wants you to use your talents so that you can grow in your faith and benefit those who are less fortunate!

We have so much more than the majority, and yet often times we take it for granted. We complain about going to school when so many less fortunate children would do anything to afford an education at a school with a dirt floor and no materials. We're picky and complain about eating certain foods we don't want to eat when millions of people around the world are desperate and eat trash and patties of mud mixed with salt; on the edge of starvation. We are often unsatisfied and selfish, and it's time to stop acting like we deserve things, when we are privileged. The truth is, we don't deserve anything that we have. I often ask myself why God blessed me with the wonderful life I have. Any of us could have been born into poverty and danger, with no hope or future, but God has given us opportunity. Don't take it for granted, don't waste it. Share it with others who have nothing! Life is so much more than material items, popularity, success, or fame. It's about sharing love and joy, bringing hope to the hopeless, and helping those in need. 

There are many ways to serve, whether it's in your own community or around the world. Here are just a few of the many ways to get involved:

- School clubs: look into the service opportunities your school has to offer. There might be trips to volunteer at orphanages or service clubs that have bake sales to raise money for a certain cause. This is an easy and very rewarding way to serve your community.

- Sponsor a child: my family sponsors a girl from Guatemala through . We help pay for her clothes, food, and education, and we get to write her letters every couple of weeks to communicate with her and see how our money and God is helping her and giving her amazing opportunities. Compassion International and World Vision are great Christian organizations that provide sponsor programs. Change a life today! Compassion International

- Raise Awareness: spread the word about something that means a lot to you, whether it's an organization, program, or movement.

Start your own micro-business: anyone can start their own fundraising project! Whether you knit or make other things to sell, you can create change in so many different ways! 

You might miss out on an amazing service opportunity by thinking that you are only one person, that you can't change the world. These thoughts couldn't be farther from the truth. You can change the world! Imagine how great the world would be if everyone got involved in a worthy cause! Together, we can do big things. Change begins with us, let's live in love and share God's hope and joy! Pray about how Christ can use you!

"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity." 1 Timothy 4:12
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